Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Eminence Organics -- Don't Leave Home Without It!

Here's a bit about my recent experience with Eminence Organics Skin Care products.   We introduced the line at Herbana Spa in 2006, and they were an instant hit.  Not just with us, but it seemed everywhere.  The line is so good that celebrities like Katherine Heigl (of Grey's Anatomy and film fame) will endorse them for free.  So do we... so DID I. 

But then something happened.  After an extended sojourn in Asia, I ran out of Eminence.  So, I started using the next best natural stuff I could find in stores.  And I found some good stuff (particularly a brand called Lotus from India), but it was just not Eminence

Well, they say you can get used to anything... I suppose I did.  Long story short, I went for about a year using over the counter products, even when I returned to the U.S., I didn't immediately re-stock Eminence in my personal skincare arsenal; and dare I say it -- yes, the spendthrift I am, I even started to buy some  products at the local CVS and slapping it on my face.  

Then last week, I finally told Sara at Herbana to give me a sample of everything Eminence, so I could figure out just what I needed.  By this time my skin was looking dull, congested, and generally irritated. 

Eminence is a whole experience... just smelling the products made me want to slather everything on.  But I started with the much needed Almond and Mineral Treatment.   My face got a rosy glow and seemed better, but I wasn't yet amazed.  I applied the Linden and Calendula cream and thought nothing more.  The next day I got up, washed with the Citrus Cleanser and used the Thermal Spring Whip.  WHOOOA!  What a difference.  I literally felt like I just gave my face some much needed nourishment after starving it and abusing it for over a year.   I guess I had just forgot what it was like to have great skin.  

Since my husband was suffering from a face rash caused by some cheap products we bought at the pharmacy, I slathered some Stone Crop Whip on his face (he has oily, but sensitive skin) and poof! -- in a few hours, all the redness disappeared.  

When you put natural, chemical free products on your face, not only can you feel the difference (they are so soothing and nourishing), you get the youthful,  HEALTHY glow we all want.

Bottom line -- if you have not gone all natural for your skin -- do it!  If you have, come get some free samples from Herbana before you travel.  Your skin will love you for it!   I for one, will never make the mistake of slipping into the cess pool of chemical skin care again. 

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