Thursday, February 17, 2011

I might look thin... but I have too much FAT!

That's right!  I have taken four Body Fat Percentage tests online, and no matter which one I take, I am above the "ideal" 22 percent.  My best rate was 28%, while my highest came in at a whopping 36%!  What's the difference?

Well, each test had a different way to measure your body fat.  One test has you measure your wrist, waist, and hips.  Another asks for neck size, size at navel, size at smallest waist point, etc..  Yet another wants calf and thigh measurements.  

I believe in research which is why I did several tests, and I am still not finished.  I want to find out why it is so important for someone like me, who looks just fine underneath normal clothes, to be worried about the body fat percentage.   By the way, my BMI (Body Mass Index) is absolutely normal.  

Here's what I have read -- Body Fat Percentage is something we should all keep in mind for a couple reasons:  One, it is a good indicator of our fat and cholestoral intake (even if you do not look overweight) and two, it reveals our excercise level or lack thereof.   

So, what to do?  For me, I have decided to ride my bicycle everyday.  Jogging is another good option, as the way to lose fat is to exercise your largest muscle groups.  But I am realistic. I know I hate jogging, and I love riding my bike, so it's an easy choice.   If you need to lose a little fat percentage, think of something you LIKE to do that will work the legs, and then go do it -- everyday!  Just walk fast around your neighborhood for 30 minutes, hop on your bicycle, jog if you like it, swim if you can (swimming will really shape you up!). 

Then, watch what you eat.  What are you putting in your body?  A diet high in protein and complex carbohydrates with lots of veggies and fruits is best.   Start making healthy choices for snacks -- nuts not chips; fruit not cake, etc.    I already eat pretty well, so I think the increased exercise will work.  But if you need a little boost, here are some things you can supplement your diet with. 

Chromium Picolinate
Lechitin (helps emulsify fat)
Vitamins A & C

At Herbana Spa in Houston we have a great nutritional supplement called Algea Nutrio that has the above ingredients and is really great for weight loss, metabolic balance, and nutrition.  But you can get the products mentioned at almost any store that sells vitamins, and of course online.   

And remember -- starving yourself won't work!  It'll just make your body slow its metabolism and you'll ping-pong with your weight.   Ready to get started?  Get your tape measure and go on this web site:

Good luck and let us know how you do.  You can find us on Facebook at -- we want to hear from you!

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