Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What are muscle knots exactly?

As a massage therapist we get asked just about daily, "What is a knot?"

Knots are the results of two main things: lactic acid and myofascial trigger points.

Lactic acid is a chemical found in the body that responds to stress and over exertion. This is also the chemical commonly known to cause a burning sensation after a workout or jogging, and is part of the reason when you get a massage you experience a slight burning when your therspist is working on a knot or certain areas of the body. Lactic acid forms between the layers of your muscles and then forms adhesion's which can limit movement or cause structure imbalances. If these are not worked out with massage, the muscle will begin to tighten and contract. Think of a loose rubber band looped around two fingers and then imagine wrapping it around your fingers until no slack is left and it is tightened up. This is what happens in a sense to your muscles.

Our body is full of trigger points as well. Many of you have even heard of trigger point therapy which is a different massage modality to work specifically with the trigger points in your body. Trigger points are small parts of tightly contracted muscles, or isolated spam, that affects just a small part of the muscle tissue. When it becomes "knotted" it cuts off its own blood supply, which irritates it- and you!- even more.

Massage is the only technique to eliminate muscle knots and give you relief. Doctors prescribe pain medications or "muscle relaxers"but its not eliminating the issue, just masking it so you are less aware of the pain. This can cause you to irritate the area even more by not knowing it hurts and possibly injuring the tissue altogether.

However, all clients need to understand that knots take months and years to be formed in the body. By the time the pain is so severe you can barely stand it, it has been forming for quite some time. One massage session will not be the cure all to rid your body of these knots, but instead getting massages regularly is necessary. For clients who suffer greatly and have limited mobility being caused by knots, I recommend seeing them weekly-every other week. For those who have regular bothersome knots that they would like worked out I usually say twice a month to once a month is sufficient.

Lactic acid is a toxin and your body needs to have it flushed out. For this reason we also recommend having our Seaweed Detox Spa Soak either before the massage (heats up the muscles and starts flushing out toxins, or after a massage (helps to keep flushing the toxins released form the tissue during massage).

Ever wonder why your therapist is constantly asking you if you need some water? Muscles require hydration and it not only helps muscles from forming knots, but will help with contractions of the muscles, and after a massage flushes out toxins that have been released from the tissue.

Lastly, some things you can do at home to help relieve pain in between massages is to soak in a tub of warm water with Epsom salts. You can follow the guidelines on the side of the package for how much to use. We also recommend using a microwavable neck wrap. These usually can be found scented with a relaxing aromatherapy and utilize a moist heat vs. a dry heat like a heating pad. Lastly, apply our Source Vital Analgesic oil for an all natural alternative to Icy Hot. It will warm up the tissue and help relax and relieve aches. Its great applied directly to the skin, or added to a bath with your Epsom salts!

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