Friday, December 17, 2010

Going All Natural with a Chamomile and Lemongrass Hair Rinse

A few months ago, after a big life event, I re-evaluated the daily products I was using. The more I discovered what was in my products the more research I did and the more shocked I became.

Chemicals. Everywhere.

I couldn't believe it. I then vowed to make some adjustments to the products I used and I will admit I started slowly, and to be quite honest I haven't switched over to all the products I wanted to on a daily basis just yet. I knew if I overwhelmed myself, I would get frustrated and eventually stop all together, so I am still easing into it. I am always on the lookout for things I can make at home easily from products I already have on hand to replace my old products such as shampoo, conditioner, laundry detergent, deodorant, body washes, etc. From time to time I will be sharing my wonderful finds with all of you so you can see how easy (and better for the body!) products are when they are all natural and lacking the harmful products and chemicals.

We all know the skin will absorb anything you put on it, and the magnitude of what the skin can absorb is even proven in the hormone and nicotine patches that are out on the market. Because of this, my motto I try to stick to is if its something I won't eat, I won't apply it to my skin. At Herbana we try strive to be naturally beautiful and show our clients there are lots of products and at home treatments you can make to also be naturally beautiful in your every day life. Hope you enjoy todays' easy at home recipe and let me know what you think of it once you've tried it yourself!

Chamomile and Lemongrass Hair Rinse

I have been doing natural hair care at home for the past several months (I use baking soda for a shampoo, and apple cider vinegar for my conditioner). You can add this as a last step after you shampoo and condition hair, or if you are using all natural hair care already you can do this as a 3rd third step following your apple cider rinse. However, it is really great for when you don't want to shampoo but still want refreshed hair since shampooing too often damages the hair. It will help keep frizz down, the chamomile will bring a healthy shine, and the essential oils in the lemongrass will help protect the hair. You can use loose tea, or tea bags, and I like to mix up the flavors from time to time depending on my mood so get creative! I have even made it by adding my apple cider vinegar to my steeped tea water since if you rinse with apple cider it needs to be well diluted with water anyways.

Boil a small pot of water and once you have a good boil, turn off and place 1 tea bag of chamomile tea, and 1 tea bag of Lemongrass Tea. If you have any essential oils on hand you can add a drop of two once the water is boiling is boiling. Cool to room temperature, and pour the tea into a spray bottle. After shampoo and conditioner, spray hair and wring out. You can partially rinse hair with water but leave in the tea instead of rinsing all the way. Continue to mist hair if you'd like during drying and styling.

Some other favorite teas I have used is Celestial's Blueberry tea, Honey Vanilla Chamomile Tea, Peppermint Tea (great for waking you up in the morning, not recommended in the evening), Raspberry, and Cherry Berry. So many options, and scents available so enjoy and have fun trying them all out!

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