Friday, December 31, 2010

Skin - Why you should care.

What is waterproof, washable, self healing, is touchy and feels, helps keep you warm, helps keep you cool, helps keep you well, excretes toxins, and is selectively absorbent? No, it is not a new high tech Snuggie. It is your skin, and it is truly amazing. As the largest organ of your body, your skin plays a vital role in your overall health and should be treated with respect.
Most people don't realize that their skin is a vital part of their body's immune system and should be kept healthy in order to help fight off many types of illness. The oil that your skin produces naturally not only helps keep your skin lubricated, but it is naturally antibacterial and also helps keep you from becoming dehydrated. You can promote good health by properly caring for your skin.
In a world where we are constantly bombarded by advertising for new skin care products, how do we know what is best for the wellness of our skin? There are a few ingredients that are best avoided when using skin care products. Harsh detergents, such as sodium laurel sulfate (SLS), which is found in nearly everything that produces a lather, from dish soap to face wash is best avoided. SLS strips away your skins natural oils and leaves you more susceptible to infection, acne, dehydration and a number of other skin disorders.When your skin feels, "squeaky clean", it is not a good thing, because that means you have stripped your skin of its' immunity. One of the other ingredients that is best avoided are the family of preservatives known as parabens. Parbens have become controversial in recent years because one study has linked them to breast cancer. This is important because a portion of what you put on your skin such as body lotions, moisturizers, skin tonics, and perfumes are actually absorbed by the skin and enter the blood stream.
How can you tell if a product is truly natural? The answer is, that there will be less ingredients and they will most likely be ingredients that you can easily pronounce. This means the product is less processed and is easily used by yours skin and body to maintain your overall health. If you are in doubt, ask questions. Any educated skin care professional should be able to answer them honestly. What you put on your skin does impact your health. Using personal care products that contain ingredients directly from nature and that are free of SLS and parabens can only benefit your overall health.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What are muscle knots exactly?

As a massage therapist we get asked just about daily, "What is a knot?"

Knots are the results of two main things: lactic acid and myofascial trigger points.

Lactic acid is a chemical found in the body that responds to stress and over exertion. This is also the chemical commonly known to cause a burning sensation after a workout or jogging, and is part of the reason when you get a massage you experience a slight burning when your therspist is working on a knot or certain areas of the body. Lactic acid forms between the layers of your muscles and then forms adhesion's which can limit movement or cause structure imbalances. If these are not worked out with massage, the muscle will begin to tighten and contract. Think of a loose rubber band looped around two fingers and then imagine wrapping it around your fingers until no slack is left and it is tightened up. This is what happens in a sense to your muscles.

Our body is full of trigger points as well. Many of you have even heard of trigger point therapy which is a different massage modality to work specifically with the trigger points in your body. Trigger points are small parts of tightly contracted muscles, or isolated spam, that affects just a small part of the muscle tissue. When it becomes "knotted" it cuts off its own blood supply, which irritates it- and you!- even more.

Massage is the only technique to eliminate muscle knots and give you relief. Doctors prescribe pain medications or "muscle relaxers"but its not eliminating the issue, just masking it so you are less aware of the pain. This can cause you to irritate the area even more by not knowing it hurts and possibly injuring the tissue altogether.

However, all clients need to understand that knots take months and years to be formed in the body. By the time the pain is so severe you can barely stand it, it has been forming for quite some time. One massage session will not be the cure all to rid your body of these knots, but instead getting massages regularly is necessary. For clients who suffer greatly and have limited mobility being caused by knots, I recommend seeing them weekly-every other week. For those who have regular bothersome knots that they would like worked out I usually say twice a month to once a month is sufficient.

Lactic acid is a toxin and your body needs to have it flushed out. For this reason we also recommend having our Seaweed Detox Spa Soak either before the massage (heats up the muscles and starts flushing out toxins, or after a massage (helps to keep flushing the toxins released form the tissue during massage).

Ever wonder why your therapist is constantly asking you if you need some water? Muscles require hydration and it not only helps muscles from forming knots, but will help with contractions of the muscles, and after a massage flushes out toxins that have been released from the tissue.

Lastly, some things you can do at home to help relieve pain in between massages is to soak in a tub of warm water with Epsom salts. You can follow the guidelines on the side of the package for how much to use. We also recommend using a microwavable neck wrap. These usually can be found scented with a relaxing aromatherapy and utilize a moist heat vs. a dry heat like a heating pad. Lastly, apply our Source Vital Analgesic oil for an all natural alternative to Icy Hot. It will warm up the tissue and help relax and relieve aches. Its great applied directly to the skin, or added to a bath with your Epsom salts!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Skip the Pricey Coffee Place -- Here's a Great Christmas Latte!

"Chai Latte" and its many variations have been flying out the drive-thru windows of famous coffee stops like Starbucks for years now.  I am sure there is a Christmas Latte; but I avoid most things commercial, and chemical, and high fructose corn syrup at all costs.  

So, here's my holiday gift to you -- our personal "chai" recipe.  Each day at around 4pm, my husband and I make Nepali tea (called Dhud Chiya).  Our tea is similar, but waaaaaayyyy better than the chai lattes one can buy for $4 each.  For the $8 we would spend on two chai lattes, we could buy a month's worth of ingredients to make them everyday.   Are you ready for a yummy tea treat... perfect to go with your holiday goodies!

Here's what you will need to make delicious Nepali Milk Tea (Chiya):

Milk - 2 cups
Loose black tea (Indian tea is best; but your could use Lipton's loose tea as well). 1 TBS
Tea strainer
honey (or sugar if you don't have honey) - to taste (2-3 TBS)

Spices (you don't necessarily need all of these, but the first 3 are essential)
Cardamom (2-3 pods - crush them a little before use)
Ginger (1/2 tsp)
Cinnamon (1/2 tsp)
Cloves (2-3 seeds)
Nutmeg (1/2 tsp)
Black Pepper (just a tiny tiny pinch)

Or Pumpkin Spice is good if you only have a couple ingredients.

First, put your milk in a pan and start to heat.   Before bringing to a boil add tea and honey/sugar (Nepali chiya and Indian Chai are served very sweet) and spices.   Allow to slowly boil for about 5 minutes.   Stir sometimes.  While your stirring, add some love to the tea.  You can do this by saying something, sending it with your eyes or your thoughts.   I personally like throw a pinch of love in it, just as I would the pepper!  

Take the tea away from heat and let cool for 2-3 minutes.  Then pour through a tea stainer into cups.  Enjoy!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Going All Natural with a Chamomile and Lemongrass Hair Rinse

A few months ago, after a big life event, I re-evaluated the daily products I was using. The more I discovered what was in my products the more research I did and the more shocked I became.

Chemicals. Everywhere.

I couldn't believe it. I then vowed to make some adjustments to the products I used and I will admit I started slowly, and to be quite honest I haven't switched over to all the products I wanted to on a daily basis just yet. I knew if I overwhelmed myself, I would get frustrated and eventually stop all together, so I am still easing into it. I am always on the lookout for things I can make at home easily from products I already have on hand to replace my old products such as shampoo, conditioner, laundry detergent, deodorant, body washes, etc. From time to time I will be sharing my wonderful finds with all of you so you can see how easy (and better for the body!) products are when they are all natural and lacking the harmful products and chemicals.

We all know the skin will absorb anything you put on it, and the magnitude of what the skin can absorb is even proven in the hormone and nicotine patches that are out on the market. Because of this, my motto I try to stick to is if its something I won't eat, I won't apply it to my skin. At Herbana we try strive to be naturally beautiful and show our clients there are lots of products and at home treatments you can make to also be naturally beautiful in your every day life. Hope you enjoy todays' easy at home recipe and let me know what you think of it once you've tried it yourself!

Chamomile and Lemongrass Hair Rinse

I have been doing natural hair care at home for the past several months (I use baking soda for a shampoo, and apple cider vinegar for my conditioner). You can add this as a last step after you shampoo and condition hair, or if you are using all natural hair care already you can do this as a 3rd third step following your apple cider rinse. However, it is really great for when you don't want to shampoo but still want refreshed hair since shampooing too often damages the hair. It will help keep frizz down, the chamomile will bring a healthy shine, and the essential oils in the lemongrass will help protect the hair. You can use loose tea, or tea bags, and I like to mix up the flavors from time to time depending on my mood so get creative! I have even made it by adding my apple cider vinegar to my steeped tea water since if you rinse with apple cider it needs to be well diluted with water anyways.

Boil a small pot of water and once you have a good boil, turn off and place 1 tea bag of chamomile tea, and 1 tea bag of Lemongrass Tea. If you have any essential oils on hand you can add a drop of two once the water is boiling is boiling. Cool to room temperature, and pour the tea into a spray bottle. After shampoo and conditioner, spray hair and wring out. You can partially rinse hair with water but leave in the tea instead of rinsing all the way. Continue to mist hair if you'd like during drying and styling.

Some other favorite teas I have used is Celestial's Blueberry tea, Honey Vanilla Chamomile Tea, Peppermint Tea (great for waking you up in the morning, not recommended in the evening), Raspberry, and Cherry Berry. So many options, and scents available so enjoy and have fun trying them all out!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Add a Dash of Paprika - Hot Facial Treatments

Add a Dash of Paprika

A dash of paprika can make any dish taste better. So why not try it in your next facial treatment? When I first heard of using paprika in a facial I was, to say the very least, curious about what it would do to my skin.
Peppers have been used as medicine for thousands of years. The compound in peppers which makes them hot is called capsaicin. Capsaicin has many health benefits including reducing pain and inflammation, helping to clear congested sinuses, and increasing circulation. If you like to eat spicy food you know that it can also give you a temporary feeling of euphoria.
Paprika is an essential part of the Organica Facial and the results are amazing. The warming sensation experienced during the skin treatment lets you know that the treatment is working to reduce the size of blemishes, clean congested pores, increase blood flow to the skin, and plump out fine lines. Who wouldn't benefit from one of these treatments? Next time you book your appointment tell them that you would like to add a dash of Paprika.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Simple Meditation!

Hi there! I am Breann, a licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki Practitioner, here at Herbana. I have been honored with the task of creating a blog to help people become more aware of the natural ways to heal yourself spiritually and holistically. I scoured the net to try and find some awesome ways to meditate and I ran across this website It lists 100 reasons why meditating is good for you. When I meditate it makes me feel relaxed and refreshed, which helps me deal with everyday life more successfully. I have listed all of the reasons here to save you the trouble of clicking on the link. Below the 100 reasons I have created a simple guide that will walk you through the process of learning how to meditate.

Physiological benefits:
1- It lowers oxygen consumption.
2- It decreases respiratory rate.
3- It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
4- Increases exercise tolerance.
5- Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation.
6- Good for people with high blood pressure.
7- Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate.
8- Decreases muscle tension
9- Helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc.
10- Reduces Pre-menstrual Syndrome symptoms.
11- Helps in post-operative healing.
12- Enhances the immune system.
13- Reduces activity of viruses and emotional distress
14- Enhances energy, strength and vigour.
15- Helps with weight loss
16- Reduction of free radicals, less tissue damage
17- Higher skin resistance
18- Drop in cholesterol levels, lowers risk of cardiovascular disease.
19- Improved flow of air to the lungs resulting in easier breathing.
20- Decreases the aging process.
21- Higher levels of DHEAS (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
22- prevented, slowed or controlled pain of chronic diseases
23- Makes you sweat less
24- Cure headaches & migraines
25- Greater Orderliness of Brain Functioning
26- Reduced Need for Medical Care
27- Less energy wasted
28- More inclined to sports, activities
29- Significant relief from asthma
30- improved performance in athletic events
31- Normalizes to your ideal weight
32- harmonizes our endocrine system
33- relaxes our nervous system
34- produce lasting beneficial changes in brain electrical activity
35- Cure infertility (the stresses of infertility can interfere with the release of hormones that regulate ovulation).

Psychological benefits:
36- Builds self-confidence.
37- Increases serotonin level, influences mood and behavior.
38- Resolve phobias & fears
39- Helps control own thoughts
40- Helps with focus & concentration
41- Increase creativity
42- Increased brain wave coherence.
43- Improved learning ability and memory.
44- Increased feelings of vitality and rejuvenation.
45- Increased emotional stability.
46- improved relationships
47- Mind ages at slower rate
48- Easier to remove bad habits
49- Develops intuition
50- Increased Productivity
51- Improved relations at home & at work
52- Able to see the larger picture in a given situation
53- Helps ignore petty issues
54- Increased ability to solve complex problems
55- Purifies your character
56- Develop will power
57- greater communication between the two brain hemispheres
58- react more quickly and more effectively to a stressful event.
59- increases one’s perceptual ability and motor performance
60- higher intelligence growth rate
61- Increased job satisfaction
62- increase in the capacity for intimate contact with loved ones
63- decrease in potential mental illness
64- Better, more sociable behavior
65- Less aggressiveness
66- Helps in quitting smoking, alcohol addiction
67- Reduces need and dependency on drugs, pills & pharmaceuticals
68- Need less sleep to recover from sleep deprivation
69- Require less time to fall asleep, helps cure insomnia
70- Increases sense of responsibility
71- Reduces road rage
72- Decrease in restless thinking
73- Decreased tendency to worry
74- Increases listening skills and empathy
75- Helps make more accurate judgments
76- Greater tolerance
77- Gives composure to act in considered & constructive ways
78- Grows a stable, more balanced personality
79- Develops emotional maturity

Spiritual benefits:
80- Helps keep things in perspective
81- Provides peace of mind, happiness
82- Helps you discover your purpose
83- Increased self-actualization.
84- Increased compassion
85- Growing wisdom
86- Deeper understanding of yourself and others
87- Brings body, mind, spirit in harmony
88- Deeper Level of spiritual relaxation
89- Increased acceptance of oneself
90- helps learn forgiveness
91- Changes attitude toward life
92- Creates a deeper relationship with your God
93- Attain enlightenment
94- greater inner-directness
95- Helps living in the present moment
96- Creates a widening, deepening capacity for love
97- Discovery of the power and consciousness beyond the ego
98- Experience an inner sense of “Assurance or Knowingness”
99- Experience a sense of “Oneness”
100- Increases the synchronicity in your life

Pretty interesting right?! Some of the facts I wasn't even aware of! Now to walk you through the awesomely peaceful experience of meditation!

Step one: choose a conducive environment. Create your own ambiance with your favorite scented candle and some peaceful music, or nature sounds. You are not required to sit Indian style on the floor, although this is a traditional position for meditation. I know quite a few people don't have the luxury of a quiet home, so I am going to give you some reasonable ways to meditate while dealing with a less than desirable atmosphere. For many people the only quiet time they have is when they shower. Instead of a shower try a bath scented with your favorite oils or bath products. A second idea is to lay on your bed when meditating. If you do have a more quiet home where you can create a quiet space feel free to create your meditation space there. Remember that meditation is more about quieting the brain and less about the position your body is in.

Step two: Be in comfortable clothes, yoga pants a comfy t-shirt or even your favorite pair of old sweat pants just as long as you feel cozy and relaxed and don't forget to take off your shoes :)

Step Three: Meditative breathing. Inhale for seven counts through the nose, pause for one count and exhale through the mouth for seven. Turn all of your attention and focus into your breathing at a constant pace, with your eyes closed. While you are focused on your breathing you may have random thoughts suddenly put into your mind.This is normal. Simply acknowledge them, and return to the sound of your breathing. This may happen many times. Don't become frustrated. When you become more comfortable meditating it will be easier to quiet the mind chatter. As your conscious mind begins to let go you will feel your body relaxing, maybe even feel like you are sinking or floating, you are getting deep into you relaxation. Let this peaceful relaxing feeling spread across your whole body.

Step Four: Coming out of the meditation, when you feel it is time simply open your eyes take a few deep breaths and stand up slowly. I hope this is a great and relaxing experience for you!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Acne-not just a concern for adolescents!

Did you know it's estimated that acne affects 25% of men and 50% of women during their adult years? I am sure most of us went through our adolescent years with minor to severe acne but we all thought as we entered into our 20's and 30's it would eventually clear up, leaving us with the beautiful skin we all see in magazines and on TV. For many of you, it just didn't quite happen that way.

Here at Herbana, one of our biggest complaints we hear when we ask clients, "What is the one thing you would like to improve about your skin" is their acne. We see it in teens who are tired of being given such harsh products from the dermatologist, as well as many adults who feel they have tried just about everything to no avail. We listen to what each client is telling us and then are able to create a treatment plan as well as an at home skin care regime to use in between treatments, all customized to their specific needs.

Acne is a tough skin issue to tackle but with the right line of defense it is possible to see vast improvements in your skin whether your 16 or 40! Its important to know the causes behind your acne, as there are many reasons your skin could be deciding to act up. Based on what our highly trained estheticians find by talking to you, asking questions, and evaluating your skin, different products can be recommended so that you can begin to feel like yourself again!

We are always adding new products from our two top rated skin care lines and this past week we added a new fabulous all in one treatment kit just for those of you who suffer from acne! It is the Anti-Blemish Kit from Eminence Organics and it comes with all the products you need to knock out troublesome acne! It includes a full months supply of products saving you from the large expense of buying all the full sized products individually and gives your skin the amount of time it needs to start seeing amazing results! The serum is full sized and should last 4-6 months. Serums and masks are considered "treatment" products and are your most potent products to give you the best results. The anti-Blemish kit retails for only $62- the full size serum that comes in it retails for $43 so its a HUGE savings and also great for traveling!

The kit includes:

Mineral Cleansing Concentrate- a fabulous deep cleansing gel wash for daily use that is good for oily, acne, problematic, and sensitive skin. It contains a natural ingredient called ichitol that helps calm skin, and lavender oil to help kick start the healing process.

Pear and Poppy Seed Microderm Polisher- A gentle exfoliant made from poppy seeds and fine pieces of walnut. Uses pear and apple pulp to boost your skin with bioflavonoids and lots of antioxidants. Use once-twice a week to keep skin fresh and new!

Hungarian Herbal Mud Treatment- A spicy mask with a yummy hint of cinnamon to help clarify and detoxify all skin types. It will open pores and allow for detoxification by eliminating toxins, and increasing circulation. Includes cinnamon for anti-bacterial properties, ivy for high doses of vitamin C, sage helps to heal the skin, and natural paprika stimulates and provides antioxidants. Apply in the shower once-twice a week and let the steam open your pores to better take in the product.

Tomato Oil Control-A wonderful daily moisturizer in the form of a gel just for oily/acne skin types! One of the lightest moisturizers they make so you don't feel like your wearing a heavy cream. The odorless garlic is a great way to fight off acne with its anti-bacterial properties, and tomatoes are vitamin rich! Also includes hawthorn berries with help to calm inflammation seen with acne.


a FULL Size Herbal Spot Serum (retails for $43 by itself!)- a daily serum to be used as your last step before moisturizing each day. Reduces swelling and redness associated with acne and includes active herbs like horsetail and fennel. Can be used a single spot treatment for breakouts, or all over the face and neck.

We promise to always provide the best products made from the most natural and organic ingredients. Visit our spa to see our full product lines and let our knowledgeable staff answer any questions you may have, no matter what your skin type is! We have several samples to choose from and we'd love to send you home with something to try!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Neem Oil and Reiki -- The Miracle Healers

Neem is a tropical Indian tree that has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. Modern science has also recognized the therapeutic properties of neem, which can now be found in a wide array of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and medicinals.   I use it all the time, but recently I got to experience just how quickly it brings down inflammation and heals tissue. 

This week, I had a horrible accident.   My left middle finger was nearly cut off in the mechanical contraptions of a garage door.   It happened so quickly and was so excrutiatingly painful, I am blocking the full details of how it happened -- so I will spare you.   Suffice to say, the injury was bad enough I started going into a mild shock (white face, purple lips, shaking, etc.).  Anyway, that was two days ago.   My middle finger was completely flattened at the tip and slightly lacerated.  

I immediately started doing self-Reiki on my finger.  It was hard to concentrate at first, but from years of practice with mediation and breathing, I was able to direct the Reiki energy.  Within seconds, my finger was feeling better.  Not without pain, but somewhat bearable pain (as opposed to the blood-curdling screaming from the initial incident). 

My finger after two days.  Hurts a little,
 but bruising and swelling are way down!
Next, I grabbed the Neem oil I had in the house.  We use this miracle tree oil for all kinds of things like treating acne breakouts, any kind of fungus, and cuts.   I applied straight Neem oil to my damaged finger, and like most anti-bacterial agents, at first it stung slightly and then it cooled.   I knew it was working!  After just two days, my finger looks almost normal.   It went from flattened and black/red to slightly swollen, but looking much, much healthier.  Hold on while I apply more Neem, and I'll tell you more...

Neem is best when used with sesame seed carrier oil.   They work synegistcically to penetrate skin.  And you will often find it fused with Aloe.   Straight Neem oil is highly potent and can be used directly on the skin, even the face... BUT I will warn you, the smell takes a little getting used to. 

If there are two oils I swear by; it's Neem and Mustard (watch this blog for more on Mustard oil and amazing skin).  

Neem has been used as natural medicine in Southeast Asia for for the following:  inflammation; fungus, acne, athlete's foot, insect repellant, contraceptive, dandruff, ulcers, and more.   I discovered it while living in Nepal, and now it is a "must have" in my ayurvedic first-aid kit, and in my skin care rituals.

We will have Neem and other Ayurvedic products available at Herbana Spa in 2011.  Visit us at

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Namaste! Welcome to Herbana Spa's Spice Site...

Namaste from all of us!  We welcome you with hands together and heads bowed as we introduce you to our everyday world of natural health, holistic living, respect for our body, mind and spirit and to that of others.

What is Spice?

We wanted to call our news information "spice" for several reasons.  One, because spices make things interesting.  Two, because we talk about them all the time in our treatments.  Three, because spices have their own kind of holisitic magic.  Spices are used around the world not only in cooking, but also in religious ceremonies, medicines, art, and more.   We will be updating our site with the latest on what you can do with things right in your own kitchen, or regularly available at the local store.

We also want to introduce you to more exotic blends which we find from our brothers and sisters in Nepal, and neighboring India.   We have a unique position to have first hand connections with Asian beauty experts, Nepali shaman, and Sherpa herbalists.   On our annual trips to our Himalayan homeland we research Tibetan medicine, Ayurveda, and Beauty Secrets from the Indian Sub-continent. 

Closer to home, we have teamed up with local holistic skin and body experts at Source Vital to bring you the best in essential oils and seaweed based treatments.   And for the ultimate in organic skincare, we rely on Eminence Organics to provide our clients with healthy, nourished skin year-round.

Our expert team are ready to share their research on organic skin care, natural body treatments, and holistic medicine with the world!  So check back for Spa Spice each week for a little flavor from friends at Herbana Spa, Houston!